Understanding which side of a piece of glass is the tin side, also known as the float side, versus the air side, is essential for glass manufacturing applications. This can determine the way a piece of glass will be cut, suctioned, and tinted, so it’s important that industry manufacturers using glass find a way to quickly identify the right side without slowing down the production line. Don’t settle for slow and error-prone manual processes — level up with a better tin-side detector for float glass when you choose the EMX UVX Tin-Side Sensor. 

This high-speed and highly accurate equipment is designed to automate glass side identification and deliver rapid, reliable results. Learn more about the product, its benefits, and how you can enhance your experience with this hands-off solution. 

Exploring the UVX Tin-Side Detector for Float Glass 

The UVX Tin-Side Sensor offers swift, streamlined glass detection so you can equip yourself with the information you need on the line for more productive glass manufacturing. It employs field-proven technology within a well-designed optical sensor unit to provide the functionality you need at the high speeds you demand. 

The sensor mounts 5-10 mm from the surface of the glass and uses an LED indicator to display power. To minimize the interference of ambient light, it also serves as a shroud to reduce the exposure that your sample has to the UV light source. This ensures more accurate results and reduces costly and time-consuming errors down the line. 

With the control unit, you can also tailor your parameters and threshold to your precise needs, and rely on the display with its 0-99 range to streamline set-up and readings. It offers automated alertsthrough a discrete NPN/PNP output that indicates when a signal level exceeds the threshold setting when viewing your glass sample. 

This tin side detector for float glass can be used for many applications and serves as a powerful asset to equip teams with hands-free detection and enhanced productivity. 

Applications for Our Tin-Side Detector for Float Glass 

This versatile solution empowers manufacturers working with glass across many industries, including:

  • Automobiles and Aircraft — Windshields for vehicles require reliable detection of the tin-side of glass. Often, a treatment or adhesive is applied to the surface, which must be done on the proper side to preserve the quality. With this hands-free device, you can better identify the correct side without risking manual errors.
  • Glass Processing — Glass manufacturers preparing their supply for customers in need, such as construction companies, often label their glass to ensure they’re user-friendly and prepared for their final applications. With this tin-side sensor, you can automate the labeling process and enhance your accuracy.
  • And More — This versatile solution is a powerful asset for any manufacturing application requiring proper identification of each side before laminating, cutting, adding adhesive, labeling, or other services. Wondering if it’s right for your application? Reach out to our team today.

Benefits of the UVX Tin-Side Detector for Float Glass


Don’t settle for systems that can’t deliver reliable results. This tin-side detector for float glass comes equipped with the quality features it needs to minimize errors and reduce subjectivity, avoid UV interference, and hold up to the production line needs. It also comes with rugged, industrial-ready housing to keep it protected and ready to be mounted where you need.


This equipment delivers faster results than the manual approach because it helps automate the glass detection process. It provides swift results and was also designed for streamlined set-up, helping you get it up and operating without delay. 


The biggest advantage of this equipment is its hands-free nature. Manufacturing spaces are busy and in constant motion. The more you can automate, the more time you allow your team to focus on tasks of higher value. With the UVX tin-side detector as opposed to a hand-held device, you can create a better system for easy and efficient tin-side identification, tailored to the thresholds you require. 

Choose EMX for Efficient, Hands-Free Tin-Glass Detection 

When you’re ready to transform your tin-side glass detection experience, level up with the system designed with your needs in mind. Our tin-side detector for float glass was made to perform with the functionality and reliability you demand and to keep up with your production line. By making the switch to a hands-free tin-glass detection approach, you can better invest your time and trust our field-proven technology to accurately assess your glass materials. You can also count on our team for support in ensuring you have the equipment you need and you can set it up for success. 

Want to see if your materials will work with the UVX tin-side detector for float glass? Talk to our team today for free sample testing to feel confident before you purchase.